I'm sorry, I haven't read all this thread yet. The first paragraph of the 'Official Dub Instruction' in the opening post was enough to make me respond.
It says, if I understand it correctly, that on receipt of an allegation of child abuse, Dubs interview the alleged offender and the victim, and if the alleged offender denies it, put them face-to-face.
There is a well-defined and universally-recognised way of dealing with child abuse allegations throughout the western world - whichever agency receives the report (e.g. school, doctor, social services, police, etc.) and the Dubs don't figure in it. Unless of course a Dub is the person who receives the initial report, in which case their only role is to immediately pass it on to a proper authority then stand aside.
Before I retired I did, sadly, have to deal with many cases of child abuse. Had I ever come across a case where a Dub had acted as in this directive then he would have had a 100% chance of being arrested and a good chance of being charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice or a like offence.